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"If you love to sing, we'd love to have you!"
Staunton Choral Society is a non-auditioned, community-focused choir sharing the love of music with the Staunton area! The chorus welcomes all voices - soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. Its repertoire includes a variety of styles including classical, folk, contemporary, and sacred. All our concerts are FREE to the community.
The Staunton Choral Society was established in 1962 by Dr. and Mrs. Jim Higgs. Since its founding, SCS presents a spring and winter concert. It was the dream of the founders to preserve beautiful choral music in our city, and to this end many have given much time, talent, and financial support.

Meet Our Director and Accompanist

Gary Bibens
Interim Director
Gary Bibens, interim Music Director for Spring 2025, has a bachelor’s of arts degree in music from Mary Baldwin University. He has served as a church music director for over a decade, most recently as the Director of Music and Arts at Crozet UMC in Crozet, VA, where he has directed both the praise band and the chancel choir since 2019.
Gary’s musical experience is varied and includes serving as band director and pianist for a cast of the world-famous touring musical group “Up With People”. Additionally, he has sung in multiple barbershop choruses and quartets for over the past 40 years, most notably singing tenor with the gold-medal winning Alexandria Harmonizers chorus of Alexandria, VA. Gary currently lives in Waynesboro with his wife Debby.

Catherine Lowell
Catherine is originally from Bellevue, WA and received her BA from the University of Washington while working as a church organist, contract accompanist, and private piano and cello instructor. She worked in the Seattle area as a freelance pianist for several music organizations and in 2007 founded her own music school, Foothills Music Academy.
Catherine holds an MS in Higher Education from Mary Baldwin University where she serves as collaborative pianist for the MBU Choir and music department. Catherine and her German shepherd, Edelweiss are loving their new home in Staunton and the opportunity to perform with the Staunton Choral Society.

Support Us
Your donations make it possible for us to provide outstanding choral music to the Staunton area at no charge.
You can donate to Staunton Choral Society online using PayPal. The donation page will open in a new window.
Mail a Donation
To donate via check, make your checks payable to: Staunton Choral Society
And mail to us at: P.O. Box 2793, Staunton, VA 24402.
The Staunton Choral Society is a 501(c)3 organization. Contributions are tax deductible.